The adventures of Daisy Mae the Yellow Footed Tortoise

This blog will be about the lives of my 7 tortoises (NOT turtles), especially Daisy Mae. Pictures along with stories will be posted as they happen.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The worst that can happen

The following picture is one of the worst things that can happen to a tortoise. The absolute worst being their shell having a puncture in their shell by an animal. Infections can set in and the shell does NOT grow back and has to be repaired with man-made products such as Teflon or fiberglass.
Now here is that picture of what is the second worse thing to happen. A tortoise upside down.
Their lungs are at the top of their shells so being upsidedown will suffocate them. While it is funny that they get into this perdicament, it does get scary when the animal cannot get flipped back over. While most of the time, she can get over Maizer had her leg caught in a canvas strap and would have caused problems to keep her that way. Needless to say after I took the picture I flipped her back over.


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