The adventures of Daisy Mae the Yellow Footed Tortoise

This blog will be about the lives of my 7 tortoises (NOT turtles), especially Daisy Mae. Pictures along with stories will be posted as they happen.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Very Angry...not about Tortoises

This blog is about animals, tortoises specifically, but something has happened in my apartment complex that has me very upset so I must write about it.
About a week ago, a couple of doors down from my apartment, people got evicted. They had a very cute cat named Gus, who I hate to say was abused by the husband in particular. For example, one day while leaving to go out, poor Gus came flying out their front door!!! Never thought cats could fly! Okay enough joking.
As I said a week has passed and last night our window in the bedroom was open we were woken up about 3 in the morning by this loud meow! I look around startled and there was Gus sitting on the sill outside the window!!!!!! I wasn't sure it was him but I went outside and sure was poor Gus! It was so sad, he was left behind!!! Stupid people!
So now here is my angry rant of the day!!!! If you decide to get a pet and you can't take care of it, don't leave it to nature! Especially if it is a dog or cat who are so acclimated to the home environment they may not be able to survive outside!!!
Pets are not furniture that you can just throw away when you get sick of it! They have feelings and emotions just like we do. They miss us when we are gone. They love us when we need to be loved.
If you feel that you cannot take care of an animal as a pet or find that you cannot bring a beloved pet with you to a new home, be responsible and find it a good home!!!!
Okay, I am off my soapbox now! Enough said!


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