The adventures of Daisy Mae the Yellow Footed Tortoise

This blog will be about the lives of my 7 tortoises (NOT turtles), especially Daisy Mae. Pictures along with stories will be posted as they happen.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

For the love of a toilet

Maizer as you can see so far is a very active and busy tortoise. Beyond the plastic bag fetish, she also has a fascination with the bathroom. I usually keep the door closed because she wedges herself between the wall and the toilet and can't get out. But God forbid if the door is open, she is in there like a gunshot hovering around the toilet bowl.
I don't understand the love for the bathroom but here she is in all her glory.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tortoise love

Well you all know about Maizer, but she also has a boyfriend his name is Mr. Badat...originally named AT-AT. So here is Maizer putting the moves on Mr. Badat. If you never saw tortoise mating, here is your first chance.

No clue how she did this one

We have our winter coats in a corner due to lack of closet and storage space, so Maizer has decided make a little nest on them. What a weirdo!

Who knows what she will think of next.

Pictures of my most pesty of tortioses

Her full name is Daisy Mae but we call her Maizer. She is a 10 pound Yellow-footed tortoise. We take her out on a daily basis or else she would make a hell of a racket in her tank. As I type she is sitting with me on the couch, just hanging out.
Most of my stories will be about her since she is the most naughty of the bunch. Here she is in one of her strange stuations. I am sure you will see more of her in the future.

Welcome to my new board

My husband and I are the owners of 7 tortoises. This blog will be about their silliness and their daily exploits.
Please join me on their daily silliness!